Posts Tagged ‘moto custom’


Strong experience with our finish "Unpaint", we have developed a further evolution, the "Moto Tattoo"! As tattoos are engraved permanently on our skin, the same way we have tried to affect indelibly on the bike skin its graphic, his style, his artistic talent and his inspirations.

We have therefore developed a final etching process that can be applied on rough surfaces, both in metal and plastic. The process is carried out by hand with the same procedures as a tattoo to human skin, then, draft on paper, transfer of part and engraving freehand.

From this basis we can then cover and finish the piece with different graphics, painting or galvanizing.

The treatment can be applied on body parts and mechanical parts, carter, lids or other.


The UM RENEGADE SCRAMBLER 300W is a prototype (showbike) created for UM Global on the basis of their product currently on the market, the RENEGADE COMMANDO.

Of the original motion of course we had to keep as many parts as possible to optimize the entire engineering process and put into production, we also have reused some of actual production parts UM so consertire company an advantageous economy of scale.
The main change has obviously affected the new wheel sizes ( 120/70 R19 Ant. e 170/60 R17 Post.) we had to use to give the bike a new enduro trim, We then re-radiated existing hubs with a new set of Takasago Excel and mounted the panciutissimi and tassellatissimi Continental TKC 80.
Similarly we had to intervene to lift the bike on set, then the back we opted for a couple of shock absorbers 380mm, while the fork has remained the series to limit investment.

For superstructures we drew with pleasure by those who are the componentistic serial production UM, always at the highest level considered to be the end of the market, mixing classical elements with more modern parts, and in some cases "disruptive" as the underride protection in 4mm sheet made with our technique "Sheet-Box". We also experienced a first in the motorcycle field, namely the creation of wooden components made from 3D design through numerically controlled milling (CNC), and made of "cheeks" tank with a perfect shape bearing on the surfaces of the original tank and some details in the rear area.

The rest of the parts are made in 3D printing but also by local artisans, the beautiful leather upholstery is an example, but also the sheet metal mudguards do not joke.
The bike was presented at EICMA motorcycle show in Milan 2018 and according to many is one of the most exciting features that are seen.

CR&S DUU “Nd01”

CR&S DUUThe CR&S DUU It is a bike that we know very well, we have collaborated in the development directly in CR&S following the style and engineering from the beginning up to direct customizations for the most demanding customers.
Now we have created a version, showcase of our design capabilities, where we could fully express our ideas about motorcycle-style and where to apply the most of the criteria that have always accompanied us: functionality, aesthetics, attention to detail and aversion to the paint and covers all futile.


Our CR&S duu has obviously been the subject of a deep customization mainly due to the fact that the model from which it derives, the CR&S DUU "Biotta", born as version "naked" CR&S DUU original. Due to incomplete development of the initial project in CR&S, however, the bike has been "denúdala" (Biotta n.d.r.) only the front, leaving a strange mix of naked front (even too much) and the rear that instead still had parts in traditional plastic bodywork ... Too rough for a bike of this caliber!

We then tried to rebalance the style between the front and rear, slightly overlapping onto the first and the second stripping.
In Given we then shaped duu in CAD first and then in aluminum, almost everything Aluminum, almost everything to CAD.


Some parts have preferred her hand on the spur of the moment (it is always fair to leave a part of the work to the heart), but mostly the bike has been entirely designed, displayed and then made, all with a work-flow that now characterizes us and sees us among the the technical pioneers.

The bike has been the result of a lot of work, in general our approach to projects always involves a preliminary phase of 2D concept which we submit to the client (be it business or private), where we try to make clear all the points that will be subjected to interventions and mainly try to identify immediately the two most important parameters: Volumes and style.

Once this is done we proceed with the project definition, developing it with the use of computers, but also the pencil or directly mechanical workshop.


All pieces designed by CAD systems have been realized in CNC machined from aluminum parts or plexiglass or ABS and other materials. With our expertise in project area we designed from scratch the rear light assembly is a self-illuminating frieze that recalls our logo without being too obvious.

Kawasaki ZXR 1100 “STEALTH”

A classic reissued in a modern post / Atomic!

Logo_Officine_Riunite_MilanesiCreated for and with "Officine Riunite Milanesi" from a Kawasaki ZXR 1100, "Lamaialona" It is a deliberately strong design studio on a very simple basis.
Tired of the same interpretations in key Cafè Racer, Scrambler o Hypster, we opted for an interpretation that would allow us to do both formal experimentation both of techniques and materials used.
The initial idea was a bike in Stealth Style, literally "stealth, clandestinely", We then tried to apply this concept to a national typical military means or otherwise road, of course we focused on the typical square shape of this design, on sharp edges and on the technical nature of the global design. also from "jargon" military have inherited the performance of all types of soils, from pure off-road to the runway, equipping the means of a highly efficient cycling system, replacing suspensions, wheels and braking system. The latter has been realized ad hoc according to our design from "Discacciati Brake System" Thank you for joining us in this trial involving, always with the highest standards of reliability and safety criteria, a component so exclusively technical and functional as the braking system.

A motorcycle show and the Futa Pass

The bike is designed as a whole as an element of design research for future motorcycle trends both of mass production but also of private interpretation staff, we believe the result of this experiment is certainly positive, we saw that you can produce a half from the strong mechanical characterization without appearing a Rat-bike or an old tractor just emerged from years of lethargy in a barn. The result however is a bike that is very well suited for both heavy duty use, as an excursion long haul, or a ride in the hills or one stressful Futa Pass. But at the same time you can use "Lamaialona" as a daily means of transport or as a simple motion "bar".

3D Print

Lamaialona was realized with the help of modern 3D design and printing systems. The first step was to bring the bike on your computer, so here we proceeded to the three-dimensional scanning as soon as the half came in the workshop, the time to remove all the superstructures and 5 minutes we had a beautiful cloud of points which allowed us to proceed to the design with a full big picture.
Once we defined the style we started with the implementation of the various parties. In the first instance we have used our 3D printers to verify that the parts were assembled correctly.
The bike was then created with a mixture of techniques, digital design and more practical manuals. After scanning all the pieces they were designed in 3D, but then the aluminum sheet metal parts have been cut out and welded by hand, All plastic parts instead are designed based on criteria of feasibility in the CNC for future reproductions and then implemented using FDM 3D printing. At that point a good coat of paint and here the pieces ready for installation.
The fairing instead was made from a single block of aluminum 6061 via CNC milling, this in order to obtain a very often without the classic defect of thin gauge sheet metal edge with exposed edge.


geometric visibility plate PL

The whole bike has been designed based on criteria of relevance perfect homologation, therefore it is perfectly "code compliant" according to EC DIRECTIVES (2002/24/THIS). All the lights are approved and positioned geometrically correct position, the same applies for license plate and all other accessories shown. Similarly the mechanical parts are ready to positively overcome the homologation tests related (tank, tripod etc.).

Officine Riunite Lamaialona by GIVEN (LR) (2)

MV Agusta Brutale 1098 “Unpaint”

We GIVEN like finishes that leave the material in full view, that's why we developed our process “coloration” called for hulls “UNPAINT”.
The UNPAINT is nothing but an original paint removal process in favor of a more natural treatment of the plastics coloring.
There are some tests to be done before we can apply our process, first of all you must make sure that all the coloring parts are of a similar material, for example you can not do on bikes with mixed plastic / aluminum body, it would also be preferable that all plastic parts have the same color paste, In fact, it happens often that the tanks are made with a material and process different from that of other parts.
Just this case it is presented with MV Augusta Brutale 1098 on which we wanted to apply our finishing technique, Luckily we managed to get a good result despite the different materials.
The body of the BRUTALE was then disassembled and completely stripped to be then processed with numerous correspondence hands coarse-grained, color and other sandpaper hands, Then another color, sanding, graphic, adhesives, transparent and yet correspondence.
So our finishing requires a lot of taste not to overdo it and many biceps to be done.
The end result is a motorcycle where they are not the graphic (often excessive) to dominate the scene, but the mechanics, and where the original design is enhanced by the finish which does not cover but finds!

Samurai Chopper

Logo Officine Riunite Milanesi

When I see our Samurai fell silent ...

Low , long, narrow and black so that you are afraid to drive and desire to tame it.
At first glance the Samurai Chopper seems a gate with wheels van, a micro tank and that mass of cylinders that and carteroni, then you stop on the locomotive brakes and the controls on the micro-switch and start goggle ... Slowly begin to scroll jumping from one detail to another, from one contrast, Suspended from other. The alternation between the black, chromium and brass is hypnotic like a pinball full bonus ball.

Do you dwell on the arms of beautiful billet aluminum hidden by paint and hidden from real steel exhaust pipe straight from 2 mere inches.
See amazing suspension and fluffy but do not see a shadow of a damper. See strange nuts used only in remote constellations pulling logs ties with Uni-Ball joints micrometric regulating preload nulla.Poi see the painting and start to get into all the black levels that can fit in such a small tank.
And chromium, the springs of Springer, chiatto the handlebar and straight and catenone as a bridge on the Thames.
Then you jump on and parts and you are the happiest man on earth.

Triumph Speed Triple 1050 “Speed Black”

La Triumph Speed Triple 1050 It is one of our favorite motorcycle, his cycling setting, aesthetics, the driving position, engine characteristics make it the perfect blend of looks, fun, usability and look!
Maybe we are not just for the typical chrome dual optics of this bike and the previous series, but it remains an important distinguishing feature unique and distinctive, therefore impossible to remove it.
For this bike so we opted for a light restyling of the rear light area, very important and heavy base, realizing ad hoc and a headlight support plate of reduced dimensions.
All the queue was then slimmed down and thanks to the low discharge and short, much racing, which gives the bike a much slimmer image.

The overall result is a beautiful bike, easy to view and use, light and pleasant to drive, thanks to graphic “tone tone” It remains a mysterious and elegant object that wanders through the city at night illuminated by streetlights Quartz and punctuated by notes of Metropolitan Club.

Honda John Deere motorcycle

Custom Motorcycle Milan


Logo John DeereHonda John Deere was born with the precise intent of "to run" the crazy speed 60 km / h on tracks made of endless green fields, rolling hills of sunflowers Fiorentina province, its barge rear wheel tassellata allows to always have the necessary traction on steep slopes and plows fields, the strictly two-seater because otherwise what the hell we going to do in the fields then if I'm alone, the sump guard stole an Africa Twin grateful for the new life that was granted after some "falco" Naples had reduced to little + a pot roast after a few years of chases and shootouts through the narrow streets of Naples "good", the engine has gained a bit of vitality to opening up all the airways because we know that farmers are angry and tend to shoot you if you get caught on their fields with a scooter tessellated.

The John Deere chassis has been completely rebuilt in the back, It works long nights working in the workshop of "maestro" Tony Pizzo Casoria, the saddle is a Monster but was duly remodeled and re-dressed by another skilled craftsman Casoria.
The front fender of unknown origin took into order: stapled sawed and hammered in abundance by myself, shots flex artist Giovanni Scafuro aka Giannigià , other good hammered by a bunch of other people and finally a paint casino good Raffaele Foscarino Mugnano, therefore obvious that at the end of its shape is not of + soft and flowing.

The construction of the motorcycle has cost 4 months , the first two days to dismantle it piece by piece, others 3 months to change, repainting and procure the individual pieces and finally a very hard last month to reassemble everything in the house ! In the true sense of the word because this bike you see that was not born in the workshop, but even in the garage, nor in the cellar, it was born right in my room, next to my couch, my bed and thankfully my stereo, on the first floor of a building in Naples, but no problem kids, even when it came to light it, the building was shaking like when I organize a party so no one paid much attention + from time, the problem has come to the time to take it down the stairs, but it was enough to organize a launch party and behold, the hand of cheap labor is served! The John Deere is finally open road to race!

And in fact he ran.. another for if he ran ... After less than a month after the end of the work was brought to Padova for the then BIKE SHOW, where he earned an excellent third place in his category.
In recent years, John Deere has been subject to continuous evolution aimed above all to make it street legal, then it was equipped with headlights, mirrors, accessories, etc.. all strictly homologated and with typical mounting characteristics of a bike homologated. A challenge in the challenge, make a nice bike, but also functional and in compliance with the laws of the road.
We can say that the challenge has been abundantly won with plenty of mileage and no problems of any kind, but with a lot of taste in driving and pleasure of use.

Thanks John!